Caminata y meditación

Getaway: Walk and meditate

Camina y medita

The perfect combination: walking, sharing and meditation

with Kelsang Thaye

We offer you the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of the world and enjoy a different kind of Saturday afternoon. In this half-day retreat you will learn the techniques to meditate and take control of the mind to keep it peaceful and happy.

We will learn a special breathing concentration technique that allows us to control and pacify our own mind and thus live a happier life.

We will go for a walk in a peaceful environment and finish with a meditation in the gardens by the light of the lighted temple.


4.30 pm - Registration

5.30 pm - Meditation class at the Templo

6.30 pm - Dinner

7.45 pm - Hike

9 pm - Meditation iin the Temple´s Gardens

You can spend the night here by booking at [email protected]



Clases de meditacion los jueves con guen Chokga


Gen Kelsang Chokga she is our resident teacher and national spiritual director of the NKT in Spain and Portugal.

He has studied and practiced under the guidance of the Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso since 1998, since then he has dedicated his life to imparting the profound teachings of the Buddha.

Su claridad al transmitir las enseñanzas y su carácter afectuoso hacen de ella una practicante Kadampa ejemplar.

We have within us an inexhaustible source
of peace and happiness."

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